SAGECare September 2021 Recap
28 Sep 2021

SAGECare September 2021 Recap

The team at SAGECare would like to share a recap of our major news from the past month, as well as some October dates to recognize:

10/1 International Day of Older Persons

10/9 World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

110/10 World Mental Health Day

10/11 National Coming Out Day

10/13 National Stop Bullying Day

10/15 National Latino Aids Awareness Day

10/27 National Mentoring Day

Guest Blog presented by the Ohio Hospice Team

Recognizing the Unique Needs of LGBTQ Individuals at the End of Life

SAGECare in the News September 2021

SAGECare and American Medical Association

‘I can’t relate to anyone:’ Living as a transgender senior in Tampa Bay     Tampa Bay Times by Hannah Critchfield

Hospices Work to Engage LGBTQ+ Communities     Hospice News by Holly Vossel

Older Adults Celebrate LGBT Identity, Pride in Art Exhibit, Book     Argentum

SAGECare Training Announcements

SAGECare training team has developed a two-part training for New Jersey S2545 LGBTQI+ Senior Bill of Rights for the two designated team members who will then guide their team into future LGBTQI+/HIV+ trainings. Next Training will be Monday November 1st, 2021. Contact for details.

Karen Cushing